Yacht Life, Love The Ocean.New digital video show, Yacht Life, Love the Ocean ® 游艇生活 热爱海洋 introduces luxury yachting culture and ocean preservation to China.

House Films, the Co. which produced the first Chinese reality show in the US “Quest USA 大挑战”and the first international reality show in China “Quest China 大挑战” starts production on a new digital lifestyle show “Yacht Life, Love the Ocean ®” introducing yachting culture to China’s upscale who have followed their content about food, wine and luxury lifestyle over the years. In addition to featuring luxury yachting culture, the show will highlight the importance of preserving our ocean ecosystem, an important message to all their viewers in China.

The 3 episodes include:

Episode 1 : “Thai Fashion” highlighting local fashions and jewelry, with special guest Thai fashionista and Laila Jewelry Co-founder Maya Goldman.

Episode 2 : “Ocean Preservation” featuring David Martin, top wildlife documentary filmmaker, diver and co-founder of Thai-based NGO, Oceans For All.

Episode 3 :  “Luxury Marina Living” featuring the Royal Phuket Marina and an up-close and personal interview with legendary yachting entrepreneur Gulu Lalvani, the Chairman of the Royal Phuket Marina.