Royal Phuket Marina (RPM) has proudly entered into an exclusive partnership with Bangkok Hospital Phuket. On Wednesday, 2 December yacht owners, residents and commercial tenants at RPM are invited to join a VIP, invitation-only event, which will unveil the hospital’s new ‘Care Connect’ program and highlight exciting new developments in remote health monitoring. The VIPs attending the event are offered a completely free, comprehensive health check-up in a pop-up clinic specially set up adjacent to the presentation room. They will also be offered a 50 percent discount off a Care Connect subscription.

Made possible by the ‘Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)’, Bangkok Hospital’s Care Connect program offers professional health monitoring and analysis by a multidisciplinary team coupled with medical history review. Personalized health insight and guidance is accessible anywhere and anytime. If any results of this ongoing monitoring are beyond a normal range, an alert is sent to the subscriber immediately by nursing staff for further follow up or treatment.