Royal Phuket Marina is Thailand’s First Marina to Take the Plastic-Free Marina Pledge

Royal Phuket Marina is Thailand’s First Marina to Take the Plastic-Free Marina Pledge
Royal Phuket Marina has signed up for the Plastic-Free Marina Pledge by the Marina Industries Association (MIA) and it is the first marina in Thailand to join this important initiative. Signed by over 60 marinas around the world, the signees affirm their commitment to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of single-use plastics in the marina by 2025.
Royal Phuket Marina has already made several initiatives towards achieving this goal. The marina has eliminated the use of plastic bottles throughout its facilities and offers free recycling stations throughout the marina and property for its customers. “We fully understand our responsibility as custodians to protect our marine environment,” said RPM’s General Manager, Yves Van Kerrebroeck. “To achieve our goals, we have established an internal team tasked with identifying and implementing best practices throughout our facilities. In addition to our plastic-free marina pledge, we will soon be announcing several exciting new initiatives we will be rolling out in the coming months.”
Royal Phuket Marina was awarded the international ‘Clean Marina’ accreditation in MIA’s ‘Clean Marina Program’ in July 2019, a certification given to marinas meeting strict regulatory requirements and best management practices. Subscribing to MIA’s plastic-free marina pledge shows RPM’s firm commitment to sustainable practices and minimizing the environmental impact of its operations.
As a pioneer in sustainability in Thailand’s marine industry, Royal Phuket Marina was also the first to switch to renewable energy with the installation of solar panels to power its marina operations – an initiative recently expanded, quadrupling its previous capacity. RPM is also the proud holder of the ‘5 Gold Anchor Award’, the only marina on the island holding this distinction.
To view the list of marinas and associated businesses that have pledged to eliminate single-use plastics, please visit